Welcome to LPC4300 Development Community!
The LPC4300 series microcontrollers bring us a revolutionary new asymmetrical dual-core architecture with ARM® Cortex™-M4 and Cortex™-M0 processors.
The dual-core architecture is a new subject for many embedded developers. It raises a lot of questions and can puzzle even an experienced engineer.
This site comes to help newbies to overcome the complexity of the new technology and to let the experts to share their know-how.
The LPC4300 website is maintained by developers and for developers. It is fundamentally community oriented. We will post our reviews, code snippets and projects during our work with LPC4300 microcontrollers.
You are also welcome to post your articles about the LPC4300 series micro-controllers, open source projects and libraries. Only together we can make this site really useful.
The lpc4300.com web site is multilingual by its nature. It has language-specific forums and articles. The group of volunteers work hard to translate the content of the lpc4300.com site into as many languages as possilble.
If you feel that you can contribute to the community by translating some of the articles, please contact us.